Pathfinders APP Tutorials Vault
Pathfinders App Tutorials v1.0
As additional resources are created they will be added here. When there’s a major app update or feature these videos will be updated accordingly.
Add to Desktop with Google Chrome browser
Google Chrome:
Open your Google Chrome web browser.
Navigate to Https://
Click the 3 dots on the far right-hand side of address bar.
Scroll down to “Cast, Save and Share” and then “Install Suzanna Kaye Organizing”.
NOTE: If you see the option “Open in Suzanna Kaye Organizing” instead of the Install option here, this means you have already installed this app on your computer. Skip to the Find in Finder step.
A dialogue box should open – click the button to Install.
The new app will automatically open, and you’ll see it in your Dock (on Mac) or open programs (on PC.)
If you do not see a shortcut for the app on your desktop, Navigate to your Chrome Apps folder (the shortcut to do this on Mac is to find the icon in your dock, right click & select Show in Finder.)
Right click on the app in Finder and select Duplicate.
Drag the new copy of the app out of Finder and onto your desktop.
You will now see an icon for the Suzanna Kaye app on your desktop. Double-clicking on the icon will open the app.
Add to Desktop with Safari browser
Requires macOS Sonoma or later
- Open your Safari web browser.
- Navigate to Https://
- From the menu bar, choose File > Add to Dock. Or click the Share button (square with up arrow) in the Safari toolbar, then choose Add to Dock.
- Type the name that you want to use for the app (or leave it as SKOrganizing,) then click Add.
- If you do not see a shortcut for the app on your desktop, Navigate to your Chrome Apps folder (the shortcut to do this on Mac is to find the icon in your dock, right click & select Show in Finder.)
- Right click on the app in Finder and select Duplicate.
- Drag the new copy of the app out of Finder and onto your desktop.You will now see an icon for the Suzanna Kaye app on your desktop. Double-clicking on the icon will open the app.
More information at: Https://